Admissions info


The school has 2 semesters per academic year for K.1-K.3 and G.1-G.6. The 1st semester begins in May until September and the 2nd semester starts from November to February. Each semester has 18-20 weeks. While Pre-Kindergarten level is open all year round and students can start any month upon availability.

Classroom size

  •  Pre-K classrooms have 1 classroom teacher and 2 teacher assistants with 20-25 students each.
  •  K.1-K.3 classrooms have 2 classroom teachers with 26-28 students each.
  • G.1-G.6 classrooms have 2 classroom teachers with 28-34 students each.

Application period

  • Pre-Kindergarten(2 years old). Open for applications throughout the year.
  • Kindergarten K1-K3 open for applications from October onwards.
  • Primary  (G.1-G.6) open for applications from October onwards.

Admission conditions

Kindergarten 1-3
  1. Fill out the application form and attach a copy of the student's birth certificate.
  2. The school conducts student development tests and interviews parents. (The school will arrange a test on Saturday)
  3. The school notifies the result of the examination after the assessment within 3 working days.
  4. Register, submission and pay the fee within 7 days after the school announces the exam results. If the fee is not paid
  5. IF the fee is not  paid in due time,the application is deemed to be withdrawn.
Grade 1 - 6
  1. Fill out the application form and attach a copy of the student's birth certificate.
  2. Students will be tested by subjective and multiple-choice exams (Thai language, Mathematics, English course) and interview students.
  3. The school notifies the result of the examination after the assessment within 3 working days.
  4. Register, submission and pay the fee within 7 days after the school announces the exam results.
  5. IF the fee is not  paid in due time,the application is deemed to be withdrawn.

Successful applicants cannot refund their tuition fees under any circumstances.

If the school has no availability,the applicants will be on the waiting list without any fee.

NOTE:  The school board's decision is final. Exams and scores cannot be disclosed.
In the event that the assessment is not passed, applicants can be re-tested next time.



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